Exeter Pilgrimage 2012

Day 1: Gather in Bath


Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 2

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My last night in a proper bed for 2 weeks as Pilgrimage 2012 from Bath to Exeter starts tomorrow #sorryfeet Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Safe journey to all those travelling to join Pilgrimage 2012 today. It will be strange not being with you... Walk in the light Aidan Simons Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 Nice day for a walk. #packedmysuncream Jonathan Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 day 1 dawns but my brain is still full of the Olympics! John Chenery Original Tweet

The car packed and ready for Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Just got to #Bath waiting for the hall to open Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Registration on Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 Bath abbey John Chenery Original Tweet

This year's Pilgrimage 2012 cross Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Howard and Theresa sort out the van for the beginning of the Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 A novel way of drying the kitchenware!! Jonathan Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 meanwhile down the pub roger spilt his cider when Mo Farrah won the 5k John Chenery Original Tweet

Hope someone at Pilgrimage 2012 bought Roger another cider - he deserves it! Aidan Simons Original Tweet

The grumpy old men (Jack, Geoff and Howard) are hard at work doing the washing up on Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet