Thank you to those who have registered for the walks. For those not yet registered please do so as soon as you can using the online form so that we can confirm arrangements.

The fees are: £5 per day – £20 for one week – £30 for two weeks.

The bank transfer details for the walk fees are:

RCD A&B Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage

Account number 01079204 Sort Code 40-05-20.

The ‘Route Cards’ with full details of each of the walks together with a briefing sheet to help us stay Covid secure will be posted on this website within the next few of days.

A WhatsApp Group has been set up to help Pilgrims to connect with each other with regard to e.g. car parking, car sharing and a buddy system where are are parked at the start and finish and Pilgrims ferried back to get their car. Please try and stay within the same small group of people for car sharing. If you would like to join the Chat Group please use the link <removed> or email YES to WhatsApp with you mobile number to david.l.fletcher@gmail.com

God Bless



2 thoughts on “‘OLD WAY’ WALKS 14-28 AUGUST 2021”

  1. Michael and Susan McCabe have invited me to join you. I will join for the walk from Chichester to Arundel, which goes through my parish (Bognor and Slindon).

    1. Hi Andrew,
      Lovely to have you join us.
      Please fill out the online form.
      I look forward to meeting you.

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