Exeter Pilgrimage 2012

Day 10: Rest Day in Taunton

Rest Day

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 10

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Another rest day already on Pilgrimage 2012. Will anything happen? John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 Picnic in the park. Jonathan Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrims on guard duty at the hall on Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Roger and his washing Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Melvina found the excitement of the rest day all too much Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Sandwich making (complete with blue gloves) Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

The pilgrims take over the Vivary in Taunton with a sing-song on Pilgrimage 2012 Michael Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 30 pilgrims and 10 locals singing in the Vivary Arms Taunton John Chenery Original Tweet

Leading the Pilgrimage 2012 day tomorrow so no time to tweet John Chenery Original Tweet

I wanna be like you Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet

Interesting sunburn John Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet