Walsingham Pilgrimage 2013

Day 1: Gather in St Albans

The Pilgrims set out for Walsingham once again. This is the third time that A&B Pilgrims will have walked to Walsingham. On previous occasions: 1977 and 1987, the Pilgrims began at Arundel taking different routes. On Walsingham 1, Pilgrims visited Ely and on the Norwich Pilgrimage, 1993 they visited St Albans, Ayot St Lawrence and St Paul's Walden; places revisited this year. We hope for pleasant summer weather, neither flood nor heatwave. The theme we are exploring is "To be a Pilgrim" based on John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" and relate Christian's journey to our own Pilgrimage through life. We also consider Christiana's Journey, in the second part of "The Pilgrim's Progress" and the vision of Our Lady of Walsingham, which inspired the building of the Walsingham Shrines, so visited today.

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 1

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Registration in SS Alban & Stephen Infant School John Chenery

We attended Evensong at St Albans Cathedral (aka St Albans Abbey). Louise

Curse you tiny tables! Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet

Have you seen this Man? Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet

Pilgrimage 2012 Best wishes for this year's glorious pilgrimage. Lesley Brennan Original Tweet