A regrettably lengthy day (the longest this year) owing to there being no paths leading directly to the most northerly crossing point on the river Asland. This also means having to use more in the way of roads (and busy ones at that) during the morning, so please take care. The first pub does no food on a Monday but this means we can eat our food there. Having crossed the Asland shortly after this pub stop, the route gets off the roads and we follow the Ribble Way path for much of the afternoon with a pause mid-afternoon at a second pub. Whilst this is a long day, it is fairly flat - at least until the last half mile.
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Pilgrimage 2012 The longest day begins John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 risking the wrath of the backmarkers John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery: Coffee at St John's Crossens Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Fran Gamble: Front markers getting refreshed Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Fran Gamble: Melvina found somewhere to sit. Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 More coffee at Holmes Methodist Church John Chenery Original Tweet
Fran Gamble: Parishioners welcome us at Holmes Methodist Church Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Gathered in the chapel Pilgrimage 2012 John Chenery Original Tweet
Caroline leads our prayer stop Pilgrimage 2012 John Chenery Original Tweet
Fran Gamble: An audience with Doug. Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 delay at stile John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 St Michael & All Angels Much Hoole John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery: Pilgrims Sheep Preston far off Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet
Pilgrimage 2012 River Ribble pilgrims sheep Preston a long way away John Chenery Original Tweet
Woodland animals Pilgrimage 2012 Fran Gamble Original Tweet
Jack briefs the pilgrims on tomorrows walk Howard Buxton
Just relaxing Howard Buxton
John Chenery: The longest day went very well. The only precipitation was one very short sharp shower this morning. Pilgrimage 2012 Pilgrimage 2012 Original Tweet