Festival 50 Jubilee Celebration Pilgrimage 2015

Festival 50 Jubilee Celebration Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 1

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We've changed our name (it's not 2012 any more!) but we're still tweeting as Pilgrimage 2012 A&B Pilgrimages Original Tweet

At Worth Church I met up with the #RefugeeTales walkers on their final day. John Chenery Original Tweet

will be tweeting all the #Festival50 Pilgrimage action from Friday morning through to Sunday .... John Chenery Original Tweet

The Dorking pilgrims load the car before setting off to Arundel. John Chenery Original Tweet

Registration for the pilgrimage was in the Cathedral Centre (formerly known as St Mary's Hall). Pilgrimage leader Patrick Reeve was at the top of the steps. pilgrim David

The Redhill group arrive with their banner. pilgrim David

Pilgrim musicians play as Communion comes to an end at the mass that kicked off the pilgrimage with Bishop Richard celebrating. John Chenery Original Tweet

Close up of the musicians. pilgrim David

Patrick does the Arrows Talk. pilgrim David

At the end of mass, the pilgrimage commissioning service: pilgrims queue to receive their crosses from Bishop Richard. We have got to M in the alphabet! John Chenery Original Tweet

The banner carriers set off in procession from the altar (the one in this picture is the walking pilgrimage's own banner which Althea had made for us). John Chenery Original Tweet

All the pilgrims then followed them down the aisle .. pilgrim David

Gathering outside the cathedral, we found to our surprise and delight that Patrick had arranged for the Celebration Samba band (those guys in white) to be in attendance. John Chenery Original Tweet

More banners - parishes had sent not only pilgrims but also banners! John Chenery Original Tweet

The samba band led us down the hill into the centre of Arundel. John Chenery Original Tweet

An unusual view of Arundel Cathedral! pilgrim David

Approaching the castle. John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrims departing Arundel on Friday morning behind parish banners and the wonderful Celebration Samba band Patrick Reeve

Bishop Richard joined us for the first few miles, and he brought a camera too. pilgrim David

A tweet arrives from the official diocesan Twitter account: "#Festival50 now underway as Walking pilgrims set off from Arundel Cathedral with #BishopRichardMoth" Diocese of A&B Original Tweet

Backmarkers guarded the banners, waiting for the van to collect them, as the pilgrims continued on their way without them. John Chenery Original Tweet

The last view of Arundel. John Chenery Original Tweet

The shadow of an leaf on a sunlit pilgrim arrow is guaranteed to attract pilgrim David! John Chenery Original Tweet

and here is the result pilgrim David

Not that pD is the only one who likes photographing arrows. John Chenery Original Tweet

A tweet arrives from the diocesan youth officer: "Jack Regan So wish I was on the walking pilgrimage today rather than in a hot office!!" Jack Regan Original Tweet

Both photographers in this group of pilgrims. John Chenery Original Tweet

It was a very hot day so we appreciated most of the morning route being through woodland. John Chenery Original Tweet

Met by another David and his drinks car at Michelgrove John Chenery Original Tweet

The backmarkers pilgrim David

Rev. Gail deals with the lost souls of her feet? As pilgrims enjoy the lunch time stop in Findon on Friday Patrick Reeve

A tweet from us to the diocesan account (manned by Mark Woods): "Hi Diocese of A&B I have done loads of photo tweets today as quoting #festival50" John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrims spending their lunch break in the garden of the Village House pub at Findon. John Chenery Original Tweet

Others were inside. John Chenery Original Tweet

The wider scene. John Chenery Original Tweet

But not every pilgrim wants their photo taken. John Chenery Original Tweet

Too many pilgrims to fit in one pub in Findon: the garden of the The Gunn was also occupied! John Chenery Original Tweet

A reply to our tweet from the diocese: " Brilliant. Thank You :)" and after that they retweeted some of our photo tweets from their account. Diocese of A&B Original Tweet

Out in the open on the glorious South Downs in the afternoon. John Chenery Original Tweet

The rolling hills stretch before us. John Chenery Original Tweet

A Random Photo for testing Aidan Simons

The drinks car, and the van, with the rolled up banners resting against it, were waiting for us by Bramber Church John Chenery Original Tweet

Bramber Church John Chenery Original Tweet

Inside Bramber church John Chenery Original Tweet

Processing with the banners from Bramber to Upper Beeding. That's Fr Tony Milner carrying the St Josephs Dorking one. John Chenery Original Tweet

Arrival at the Towers Convent School pilgrim David

Today's walk complete, we gather outside the chapel of the Towers Convent School, where we would be bedding down for the night in the hall, just as soon as a students' performance of the Lion King had completed. John Chenery Original Tweet

Dinner, provided by the in-house team. pilgrim David

The next people to get in touch with us via Twitter were the Celebration Samba group, with news that we hadn't seen the last of them:" Celebration Samba pleased to be helping to lead the pilgrims out and well, as for Sunday ...#festival50" Celebration Samba Original Tweet

Sarnie-bashing at the Towers. pilgrim David

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 2

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Mass with the sisters in the chapel pilgrim David

Breakfast at the Towers John Chenery Original Tweet

Farewell to the Towers Convent sisters who hosted us so magnificently (but we would see them again on Sunday at the AMEX at the Blessed Sacrament Sisters stall and we will be staying at The Towers again on the Arundel Pilgrimage in August) John Chenery Original Tweet

Gathered for the off. John Chenery Original Tweet

Climbing towards Truleigh Hill John Chenery Original Tweet

Nearing the top. John Chenery Original Tweet

A road runs along the top. John Chenery Original Tweet

Drinks stop outside the youth hostel. John Chenery Original Tweet

On top of the world on the South Downs Way John Chenery Original Tweet

The rolling downland. John Chenery Original Tweet

View to the west. John Chenery Original Tweet

View to the north. John Chenery Original Tweet

Lunch at the Devil's Dyke Hotel John Chenery Original Tweet

Monica came to meet us. pilgrim David

Pub sign featuring hang-glider. John Chenery Original Tweet

The frontmarkers ready to depart John Chenery Original Tweet

The dyke John Chenery Original Tweet

almost reached the bottom John Chenery Original Tweet

The pilgrims struggled to identify this yellow bird. Are yellowhammers so yellow? John Chenery Original Tweet

Pyecombe Church where we had a drinks stop. John Chenery Original Tweet

More downland. John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrims walking along the downs on Saturday afternoon Patrick Reeve

and 9 minutes later, still they come! John Chenery Original Tweet

First view of the AMEX stadium (you could just see part of the roof)! John Chenery Original Tweet

This was a much better view, honest! John Chenery Original Tweet

Gathering in Stanmer Park John Chenery Original Tweet

Waiting for the back markers to catch up in Stanmer Park. John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrims processing through Stanmer Park on Saturday evening Patrick Reeve

Patrick leads us John Chenery Original Tweet

and on down the road heading for our accommodation at Sussex University John Chenery Original Tweet

More of the banners. John Chenery Original Tweet

back on the grass John Chenery Original Tweet

The walking pilgrimage's own banner brings up the rear John Chenery Original Tweet

Van driver Howard relaxes in our accommodation - a large Sussex University Sports Hall pilgrim David

Dinner was provided by university catering staff in a Students Union bar pilgrim David

Some young pilgrims returned to the hall ... pilgrim David

while others stayed in the bar for the singsong John Chenery Original Tweet

He's got the whole world in his hands John Chenery Original Tweet

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 3

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Toast monitors in the rain! John Chenery Original Tweet

Even in the gents there is no escape from pilgrim David's camera! pilgrim David

Samba band leads pilgrims out of Sussex University Sports Centre... in the rain Patrick Reeve

Following the band through the tunnel under the A27- the acoustics! pilgrim David

On the approach to the stadium John Chenery Original Tweet

The band halted and entertained us for a few minutes longer. There is also video of this here (scroll down) John Chenery Original Tweet

Prayer about to begin with Bishop Richard at #Festival50 Walking Pilgrims arriving with banners Diocese of A&B Original Tweet

Having entered the stadium, pilgrims process around the edge of the pitch. John Chenery Original Tweet

we took our seats for morning prayer. After prayer Cardinal Cormac wandered past and Louise captured this meeting of great leaders. John Chenery Original Tweet

in close up pilgrim David

Nick and John Lamb meet up pilgrim David

#Festival50 after communion at mass John Chenery Original Tweet

The West Stand John Chenery Original Tweet

It's F Sharp Minor! pilgrim David

Farewell to the AMEX Stadium pilgrim David

And so ended a fantastic weekend. Huge amounts of thanks are due to Patrick for all his hard work and passion, and to the dozens of others who helped in one way or another. Pilgrimage2012 Original Tweet