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It's the pilgrimage reunion weekend. Here we are in the hall of St Ann's Church Banstead John Chenery Original Tweet
The three Johns - John Carmody arrived later or there would have been four! Ceri Potts
Arrow cutting! John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery Original Tweet
Melvina and Sue - Admiring the Autumn Colour (or had been seconds earlier) Ceri Potts
Francis, Grace and Peter (leading the field at a sprint) Ceri Potts
3 Musketeers? Steven, Maurice and John kindly stop for the camera Ceri Potts
Poster of Shabden or should it be 'Shameden' as camera battery then failed. Maurice Hickman
Now where are these two disappearing off? Ceri Potts
The Well House in was a great place for lunch Ceri Potts
A foggy Chipstead Bottom on a lovely and fresh morning Adilz, Fred (KWLWG)
Cradle Roll - 'Wisdom of God' Lower Kingswood Grace Bradley
The Beautiful 'Byzantine' Church - Wisdom of God Grace Bradley
Our Prayer Stop at Wisdom of God - Lower Kingswood - A warm welcome, tea and biscuits, a short history of the church and a prayer service led by the vicar Rev'd Christine Colton (I think!) Grace Bradley
Wisdom of God, Lower Kingswood, One of many beautiful features Grace Bradley
After the prayer stop; Wisdom of God, Lower Kingswood Grace Bradley
Gerry was a welcome sight for the pilgrims who thought the last couple of miles were '2 too many'. Grace Bradley
Carol abandoned Grace and hitched a lift with Gerry at the Epsom race course Grace Bradley
Lily and Catherine happily back in the hall after the walk. Well done Lily a great achievement for you. Grace Bradley
Relaxing after dinner and singing John Chenery Original Tweet
Arrow management is always necessary after a walk John Chenery Original Tweet
Breakfast time John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery Original Tweet
John Chenery Original Tweet
A tidied hall John Chenery Original Tweet
The host team John Chenery Original Tweet
St Ann's Church Banstead before mass. John Chenery Original Tweet
John, Ceri, Jim and Brendan - after Mass and getting ready to leave Grace Bradley
Farewell St Ann's hall John Chenery Original Tweet
farewell St Ann's Church John Chenery Original Tweet
A final goodbye to Gerry and Brendan. Thanks to you all for sharing the weekend. Grace Bradley
Many thanks to Richard and Mark and Clare and Chris and Brendan and Gerry for organising a fantastic reunion, with Ceri providing essential administrative support. John Chenery Original Tweet