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The 2018 renunion is underway. We got a more substantial than usual supper for a reunion Friday night, cooked and served by Mark's wife Jane, Danny's wife Remy and son Angelo, and Clare. John Chenery
Pilgrimage reunion Friday night chat and arrow cutting. John Chenery Original Tweet
St Dunstan's church hall Woking John Chenery Original Tweet
Reunion breakfast is in the room we are using for sleeping as there is a breakfast alpha course going on in our dining room! John Chenery Original Tweet
Backmarkers Francis and Catherine setting out on the reunion walk John Chenery Original Tweet
The pilgrims ready to depart for their walk on a fresh but sunny morning. Aidan Simons
Beautiful autumn foliage as we approach Hoebridge Golf Course Aidan Simons
Watch out for flying balls! Aidan Simons
St Nicholas Church Pyrford John Chenery Original Tweet
St Nicholas's Church, Pyrford, with its new oak-shingle roof. Aidan Simons
St Nicholas is Norman, largely unaltered John Chenery Original Tweet
Ancient wall painting inside St Nicholas's. Aidan Simons
Danny and Mark led our prayer stop. Mark spoke about renewal and renovation John Chenery Original Tweet
Danny and Mark - our leaders in prayer as well as in walking today. Aidan Simons
Altar frontal St Nicholas's, Pyrford.. Aidan Simons
Leaving the church, towards another golf course Aidan Simons
The chill is evident by how we are all well wrapped up, the sun by the shadows! Aidan Simons
On our way again - it's good to have "John the Van" amongst the walkers. Aidan Simons
Lovely day for a country walk - even though we're so close to a big town. Aidan Simons
We join the Wey Navigation, our companion for much of the day. Aidan Simons
First sighting of a boat on the navigation Aidan Simons
First pub stop - for COFFEE??? Very welcome on a cold day, and good coffee. Aidan Simons
Where are we? How did we get here? Aidan Simons
Official morning coffee stop at The Anchor Inn on the River Wey John Chenery Original Tweet
Coffee? Don't mind if I do.... Aidan Simons
I'm glad you've got bright blue skies down there and not this... Euan Parsons Original Tweet
Pilgrims, pub, not a beer in sight!!! John Chenery Original Tweet
Ah, cheers Aid! John Chenery Original Tweet
The tranquillity of walking beside water Aidan Simons
... and then we were sent into the wilderness (but it proved to be a very nice wilderness!!) Aidan Simons
Which way? WM
Ockham Mill Aidan Simons
Newark Priory Ruins and the River Wey John Chenery Original Tweet
Newark Priory Aidan Simons
Autumnal loveliness approaching Papercourt Aidan Simons
Lock and bypass Aidan Simons
The New Inn, Send - it's lunch time! Aidan Simons
Pilgrimage reunion lunch at The New Inn. Send, with Jonty the dog. John Chenery Original Tweet
John in the shot not taking the shot for once Aidan Simons
Crossing the navigation after lunch Aidan Simons
Leaving The New Inn John Chenery Original Tweet
New pilgrim Janice leads Rosie, Bridget, Meld, Lawrie and Aid John Chenery Original Tweet
St Peter's Church, Old Woking John Chenery Original Tweet
St Peter's Church, Old Woking, our afternoon prayer stop Aidan Simons
Preparing for prayers - and yes, that's Terry Waite in the back pew (he was giving a talk after we'd left). Aidan Simons
The third-oldest church door in England and they cut the top off it (a long time ago) Aidan Simons
The rest of the third-oldest church door in England. Aidan Simons
Danny and Mark lead on John Chenery Original Tweet
The remains of Woking Palace Aidan Simons
Danny leads us home Aidan Simons
Meld, Clare, Angelo and Jane serving dinner John Chenery Original Tweet
Danny Thomas Original Tweet
Reunion dinner John Chenery Original Tweet
Sing-song featuring new band member Angelo John Chenery Original Tweet