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It's reunion weekend! Who's joining us?🔜 A&B Pilgrimages Original Tweet
Dorking Reunion supper John Chenery Original Tweet
Falkland Arms, Dorking John Chenery Original Tweet
Mass in St Joseph's before we set off. Aidan
I am front marking so there will not be many photos from me but here are the pilgrims about to depart from St Joseph's Dorking. John Chenery Original Tweet
Front Marker John places the first arrow. Aidan
Fr Tony describes the route ahead. Aidan
Fr Tony's Pilgrim Flock Aidan
Fr Tony and Alison lead the pack. Aidan
Walking through the autumnal woodlands Aidan
Approaching Wotton Church Aidan
St John the Evangelist, Wotton - looks strange from outside with 3 gable ends of different materials, but less so on the inside! Aidan
Marie just keeps on walking #oldestpilgrim Aidan
A talk about the long history of St John's Wotton John Chenery Original Tweet
Wooton Church porch Aidan
Fr Joe Kengah from Kenya joined us for the morning walk Aidan
Lunch pub nearby, and beautiful autumn colours. Aidan
Stephen Langdon Inn Friday Street John Chenery Original Tweet
The table of the non walkers who joined us for lunch John Chenery Original Tweet
Leith Hill Tower "view" point Aidan
Pilgrims enjoying tea on Leith Hill (seen from the top of the tower - well, someone had to go up!) Aidan
Call this a view? Aidan
Wet and slippery woods - so much so that we had to turn back and use the road for health and safety reasons. Aidan
Pilgrims enjoying tea and cake at the home of kind parishioners who live on the route. Aidan
Dinner is coming soon John Chenery Original Tweet
Arrows and pilgrim gear drying. Pilgrims are dry by now after a wet afternoon John Chenery Original Tweet
Dinner is served John Chenery Original Tweet
Yummy chilli John Chenery Original Tweet
Aidan driving the sideshow John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrims enthralled John Chenery Original Tweet
Pilgrims and
St Joseph's parishioners joint music group for the 9am mass John Chenery Original Tweet