DABEWP Old Way Pilgrimage 2021 Southampton-Rye

Day 9: Pyecombe to Lewes

Today's Notes: 1. We finish the day with our own RC mass, celebrated by our chaplain Fr Tony.

Pilgrimage Newsfeed - Day 9

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A bed space for the Nite James Brodie

Breakfast @ Pyecombe James Brodie

Grateful pilgrim 4 bedspace James Brodie

Frontmarkers Kevin, Francis and Maurice, joined by John for a rest on Ditchling Beacon. I am assisting the front markers today so not so many photos. John Chenery Original Tweet

Ditchking Beacon John Chenery Original Tweet

View of tomorrow's walk: Caburn and Firle Beacon John Chenery Original Tweet

Lunch in the Blacksmiths Arms John Chenery Original Tweet

Blacksmith's Arms, Offham John Chenery Original Tweet

St Peter's, Offham John Chenery Original Tweet

Old Hamsey Church John Chenery Original Tweet

In Old Hamsey Church featuring special guest stars Joan and Bernie John Chenery Original Tweet

Veronique leads our prayers in Old Hamsey Church John Chenery Original Tweet

Beside the Ouse John Chenery Original Tweet

Outside Trinity Church, South Malling John Chenery Original Tweet

Trinity Church, South Malling John Chenery Original Tweet

The wardens welcome us to Trinity Church John Chenery Original Tweet

Back on the Ouse, coming into town. John Chenery Original Tweet

The pilgrimage along the Riverside path ends at... John Chenery Original Tweet

Bernie and Joan facing St Pancras RC church, Lewes, where we ended our Sunday with mass celebrated by our chaplain Fr Tony John Chenery Original Tweet