We will walk the paths our fathers trod before us - St avid's 2010

Welcome to the 2010 pilgrimage!

This year's cross:

Our 2010 Pilgrimage is now complete, and these pages record it, more or less as it happened. It was physically tough - hilly, long days, some wet days, too wet underfoot at times. But we enjoyed some fantastic scenery, we received some tremendous welcomes along the way, and we grew as a community and as individuals as we journeyed together. As well as the challenges I hope these pages capture the fun, the caring, the stillness, and the moments of chaos along the way.

Our safe return from St David's marked the culmination of my 2 years as coordinator, 2 years in which we undertook possibly our most challenging pair of consecutive pilgrimages. That we made it is credit to the great team that makes the pilgrimage happen: all those involved in planning (accommodation, routes, church liaison, liturgy) and execution (leading, catering, transport, support of all kinds, worship), but also all those who join the pilgrimage and play a part, and those who meet us along the way. At Solva I tried to list all the roles - it just went on and on. With a team like that, the coordinator has to do little more than stay calm and look confident. During these two years I continued to play a major role in maintaining the online diary - with short evenings and creaking technology it was simpler to "just do it", and few people want to carry a heavy D-SLR camera all day. I managed thanks to the effort and support of the whole team, but I want to give special credit to Clare and Sarah (and in 2009 Mark) who I just take for granted. Thanks! Aidan