Bookings are open for the Heart of England Pilgrimage, 10-25 August 2024

We are pleased to announce that bookings are open for our Heart of England Walking Pilgrimage this August.

To find out more and/or book, visit

All are welcome to join the pilgrimage and experience walking as part of our travelling Christian community, whether for a fortnight or just an afternoon!  The cost is £350 to walk with us all the way, or £33 per night to book a shorter spell (£31 per night for 7 days or more, 25% discount for under 21s). 

2 thoughts on “Bookings are open for the Heart of England Pilgrimage, 10-25 August 2024”

  1. Are there places available on this year’s pilgrimage? I would like to take part from 19th to 24th August, beginning in Market Harborough and ending in Peterborough.
    I have been twice before.
    Many thanks
    Michael Dunk

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