Anne Leggett invites you to this year’s pilgrimage reunion. It will consist of a day walk only (no overnight stay) starting from Anne’s house, 103 Ladbroke Rd Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1JT. This is 0.3mls North of Redhill railway station almost opposite St Joseph’s Catholic church at the highest point of Ladbroke Rd. Parking for the first 4 cars will be in the drive of the house, then others have permission to park in the St Joseph’s Church car park. Please gather at the house at 9.30am for a 10am prompt start (drink and biscuits will be provided).
Here is a map. The PW in the top right hand corner is St Joseph’s and number 103 is just before it on the other side of the road.

The morning walk will be through Gatton Park (normally only open to paying visitors, but Anne is a gardening volunteer authorised to take you through). Then across to Reigate Hill car park where there is a cafe and toilets.
Then along the North Downs Way, stopping to for lunch at 1 pm at The Sportsman, Mogador Rd, Mogador, Tadworth KT20 7ES, Phone: 01737 224950.
Pilgrims have 3 choices for food:
- If wanting a main meal, you must order it in advance from the above menu and if you want to eat in inside, book a table. We have not booked a table as a hefty booking fee is required for a table of more than 5 people. Groups of 5 or fewer pilgrims might want to book a table themselves.
- Order food on the spot from the bar snack kiosk in the garden.
- Eat own sandwiches on the benches outside the pub on the other side of the road.
The walk is expected to finish between 4pm and 5pm, after which pilgrims might want to attend the 5.30pm vigil mass in St Joseph’s.
If you plan to come to the reunion, please email Anne at ASAP to let her know: (We need to know the numbers needed for Gatton Park access). We will put the pilgrims who have booked in touch with each other so they can organise car shares, lunch table reservations, perhaps plans for an evening meal, amongst themselves.