All posts by admin

Fr David Russell’s 80th Birthday – UPDATED

Father David Russell has been our pilgrimage chaplain since 2000, having first walked with us back in 1976 (even earlier than I had originally thought!). Over the years he has become a non-walking member of our community whilst continuing to minister to our spiritual needs.

This year David turns 80, and we are holding a little party to mark the event on Saturday 21st January 2017.

The evening will begin with mass at 7:15pm (note later time) at St George’s RC church in Hangleton, Hove, Court Farm Rd and will be followed by refreshments in the church hall.People attending can if they wish stay overnight in the church hall.

The January committee meeting which had been scheduled for Sunday 15/01/2017 will now take place in the morning of Sunday 22/01/2017 – exact time to be advised  but probably from 9.00am.

If you intend to attend the celebration, please download and complete the attached form and return it to Ceri (details on the form).

Fr David’s 80th Invitation


Father David’s 80th Birthday

Father David Russell has been our pilgrimage chaplain since 2000, having first walked with us back in 1979. Over the years he has become a non-walking member of our community whilst continuing to minister to our spiritual needs.

This year David turns 80, and we are holding a little party to mark the event on Saturday 21st January 2017.

The evening will begin with mass at 6.30 at St George’s RC church in Hangleton, Hove, Court Farm Rd and will be followed by refreshments in the church hall.People attending can if they wish stay overnight in the church hall.The January committee meeting which had been scheduled for Sunday 15/01/2017 will now take place in the morning of Sunday 22/01/2017-exact time to be advised  but problably from 9.00am.

Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage AGM – Sunday 18th September

Do come along to the AGM of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage – all are welcome to review the last year’s pilgrimage and to discuss forthcoming events.
The AGM will be held at the St Joan’s Centre, St Joan of Arc R.C. Church, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DJ at 3pm on Sunday 18th September.  Acceptances and regrets should be sent to
Pilgrims are also invited to gather at the newly refurbished Mulberry pub (directly opposite Farnham rail station) from 1pm for a spot of lunch before the committee meeting.
Hoping to see you there!

Halfway to Canterbury

Our 2016 Pilgrimage from Winchester to Canterbury is almost halfway through, the pilgrims are at Worth Abbey after 6 walking days.

All the details, including the crowd-sourced diary, are on the 2016 sub-site – you can find out where/when to meet the pilgrims and maybe walk a while with us, or follow the diary as we make our way towards Canterbury.

The GPX files have made a late appearance, if you want to track down the pilgrims. Apologies for the delay in uploading these.

2016 Canterbury Pilgrimage is underway

Our 2016 Pilgrimage from Winchester to Canterbury is less than 24 hours away; all the preparation work by so many people (especially the core planning team) is complete and tomorrow morning pilgrims will gather in Winchester and pray before setting off on the journey after lunch.

All the details are on the 2016 sub-site – you can find out where/when to meet the pilgrims and maybe walk a while with us, or follow the diary as we make our way towards Canterbury.

There’s also lots of useful information in Ceri’s letter in the August Newsletter.

2016 Canterbury Pilgrimage – Latest Information

The start of this year’s pilgrimage is less than a week away, and coordinator Ceri has written our latest newsletter with lots of information. Read the newsletter here.

Ceri refers to a number if additional items, which you can access through the links below: