All posts by admin

Celebrating 50 years of Pilgrimage

Yes, it really is 50 years…

50 years ago a group of priests, looking to find a way for young people to celebrate the Holy Year of 1975 and the 10th anniversary of Arundel & Brighton Diocese, planned a walking pilgrimage “beating the bounds” of the Diocese. This became an annual event, the pilgrimage we know and love, going to diverse destinations across England and Wales, becoming Ecumenical, and with an evolving demographic. Over the years this institution has meant so much to the regulars, the “one-off” pilgrims, and people we’ve encountered on the way.

So 2025 will be a year of celebration for us, and we’d love to see old and new pilgrims at two events we are planning. So please SAVE THE DATES!

50-year Reunion in Crawley, 4-6 April 2025

Unlike its successors, the first pilgrimage took place after Easter (31st March – 13th April 1975) so we like to organise an “April Reunion” to mark the major anniversaries.

Whilst the exact schedule is yet to be worked out, the main activities will be on Saturday 5th April, probably involving a short morning walk, a pub lunch, and a social afternoon tea back at the venue, where non-walkers can join us and we can share reminiscences. We’ll have some form of thanksgiving service and remember deceased pilgrims.

Overnight pilgrim-style accommodation will be available for Friday and Saturday nights.

Please spread the word to any past pilgrims you know who might not otherwise hear about the reunion.

Jubilee Pilgrimage of Hope, 9-24 August 2025

As the distances involved in beating the bounds of the Diocese (even cutting more corners than we did in 1975) are beyond our regular mileages, after some thought we have derived a route that visits each of the 11 Deaneries (future “new parishes”) in the Arundel & Brighton Diocese:

  • Horley (Crawley Deanery)
  • Reigate (Redhill Deanery)
  • Epsom (Epsom Deanery)
  • Weybridge (Weybridge Deanery)
  • Frimley (Woking Deanery)
  • Farnham (Guildford Deanery)
  • Haslemere (Guildford Deanery)
  • Midhurst (Cathedral Deanery)
  • Tangmere (Cathedral Deanery)
  • Goring-by-Sea (Worthing Deanery)
  • Brighton (Brighton Deanery)
  • Seaford (Lewes Deanery)
  • Eastbourne (Eastbourne & St Leonards Deanery)

Note that some accommodation is not yet confirmed, so locations may change a little.

Whilst maintaining our strong ecumenical commitment and visiting churches of all denominations along our route, we hope to inspire people from the deaneries we walk through to join us as day pilgrims. We also hope that “past pilgrims” will join or meet us along the way; and of course new pilgrims are always welcome, whatever your location, background or creed!

Bookings for this pilgrimage will open in February, once the accommodation is finalised. To make sure you hear first, subscribe to updates on our website ( via the “Subscribe to Blog via Email” panel)

Our plans for 2025

Having reviewed the successful conclusion of the Heart of England pilgrimage in August, September’s AGM looked forward to our plans for 2025, the 50th anniversary of the first Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Walking Pilgrimage.

Summer Pilgrimage

Our original aspiration had been to repeat 1975’s “beating the bounds” but that proved too long and after a series of iterations we adopted a proposal for a route which visits each of the Moderated Parishes in the A&B diocese. This proved something of a mathematical optimisation challenge, getting to all 11 parishes with our regular constraints of time and distance, but we have a viable route, one which includes a number of places never or rarely visited before by the pilgrims.

Our vision for 2025 is that people from the local communities will join us as day pilgrims in their own areas, for as far as they wish or feel able.

Although the route is based around our Catholic diocese, we have not forgotten our ecumenical credentials and, as we always do, we will be involving and visiting church communities of all denominations as we progress through Surrey and Sussex.

The proposed route (subject to finding suitable accommodation) is shown in the table below. Moderated parish names are shown in square brackets (see

Sat 9 Aug 25Horley [Crawley]Reigate
Sun 10 Aug 25Reigate [Redhill]Epsom
Mon 11 Aug 25Epsom [Epsom]Weybridge
Tue 12 Aug 25Weybridge [Weybridge]Frimley
Wed 13 Aug 25Frimley [Woking]Farnham
Thu 14 Aug 25Rest DayFarnham
Fri 15 Aug 25Farnham [Guildford]Haslemere
Sat 16 Aug 25Haslemere [Guildford]Petworth
Sun 17 Aug 25Petworth [Cathedral]Arundel
Mon 18 Aug 25Arundel [Cathedral]Worthing
Tue 19 Aug 25Rest DayWorthing
Wed 20 Aug 25Worthing [Worthing]Brighton
Thu 21 Aug 25Brighton [Brighton & Hove]Seaford
Fri 22 Aug 25Seaford [Lewes]Eastbourne
Sat 23 Aug 25Celebration DayEastbourne
Sun 24 Aug 25Eastbourne [Eastbourne & St Leonards]Home
Proposed 2025 Pilgrimage Route

Any plan is a compromise, and we can’t visit every corner of the Diocese; the proposed route is half in Surrey and half in Sussex and includes the far north of the Diocese where we’ve rarely ventured before.

April Reunion

We also decided that there should be an extraordinary reunion (on a date around 31st March, the 50th anniversary of the start of our first pilgrimage). Just a placeholder at present – anyone who could host such a reunion please make contact!

Heart of England Pilgrimage 2024

Our 2024 Pilgrimage, from Worcester via Coventry to Peterborough, will very soon be underway. Pilgrims across the world have started their journeys to Worcester ready for our start on Saturday afternoon.

If you are one of those pilgrims, welcome aboard. You may like to pass on the details below to family or friends.

If not, and you’re close to our route, you’re welcome to join us as a “day pilgrim”, walking a full day or a few yards with us, or maybe just meeting us for prayer at one of our church stops.

If you’re not able to join us this year, you can join as an “e-pilgrim”, following our progress on our web diary. Please pray for us as we will for you as we journey along.

The web diary is now live at – for now it has our plans, to be updated with words and picture as we go along.

Isaac is walking the Camino

Pilgrims from a few year’s back will remember Isaac who walked with us over several years either side of 2010 (and will recall his sparring with Peter Doran). Isaac has sent the following request for support for a charitable venture he is undertaking…

Hello pilgrims past and present, 

This summer, starting from the second weekend of July, I shall be walking the 800km of the Camino de Santiago, starting from Saint-Jean-Pied-du-Port, to raise money for a charity with whom I volunteer in Paris. This organisation, Utopia 56, works to support refugees and other displaced people in France in a political climate that is otherwise indifferent at best and outright hostile at worst– especially as in Paris the forces of the state move with brutal rapidity to ‘clear the city’ in the run up to the Olympic Games. We offer advice on applications for asylum, French lessons, recreational activities and, most importantly, tents and other materials.

These are people who have travelled thousands of miles in perilous conditions, and who are thrown from pillar to post upon arrival in what they believe will be a safe haven. In making a pilgrimage along the Camino, I hope to, at least symbolically and spiritually, walk with those who make much more dangerous and urgent journeys to safety. Any donations would be deeply appreciated, with the proceeds going to support the work that Utopia 56 does. 

You can make a donation at this link here:

You can find out more information about Utopia 56 here (in English or in French):

Thank you very much in advance.

Yours, in pilgrimage, 


Call for Route Planners for 2024 Pilgrimage

Our accommodation team have done sterling work and halls are booked for all of our 2024 pilgrimage from Worcester to Peterborough via Coventry. So it’s time to start planning the walking routes between those halls, for which we need volunteers!

If you would like to plan a day’s walk on the pilgrimage, please let me know as soon as possible. I have a few names already, but don’t assume you are on my list!

The list of days is shown below. The shaded days are already allocated. You can express a preference for day or area, but it’s not guaranteed.

Most days are similar in length (12-15 miles) but the days either side of Market Harborough are likely to be shorter.

If you’ve not planned a pilgrimage day before, you may like to team up with an experienced planner first time around.

If you’re a regular route planner but ant a year off, let me know so I wont hassle you further!

Any questions, do get in touch.





Sun 11th



Mon 12th



Tues 13th



Weds 14th or Thurs 15th



Fri 16th



Sat 17th


Husbands Bosworth

Sun 18th

Husbands Bosworth

Market Harborough

Tues 20th

Market Harborough


Weds 21st



Thurs 22nd



Fri 23rd



Follow the Pilgrims from Bristol to Arundel

The start of the 2023 Pilgrimage, from Bristol to Arundel, is almost upon us! This Saturday, 12th August, we gather in Bristol before setting out for Arundel, to mark the 150th Anniversary of Arundel Cathedral and its links with Bristol and Bath.

As ever, you can follow our “Live” diary at

The diary also contains details of where we’ll be when (also found in CAJUFAD) should you wish to come and meet us or join us as a day pilgrim.

Our route is also available on Google Maps

Messages of support and encouragement are always welcome through CONTACT THE PILGRIMS on the website.

Pray for us as we make this pilgrimage, as we will for you.

Henriette Van Zaelen RIP

We have learnt of the death this week of Henriette Van Zaelen; she was suffering from lung cancer.

Henriette has walked with us for many years; she was also an active member (with other pilgrims) of the St Francis Ramblers.

Ramblers Obituary
This obituary appeared in the September issue of South East Walker, which is distrubuted to all Ramblers Association members in the South East

Fr David Russell, RIP

We have recently learnt of the death of Father David Russell, pilgrimage chaplain from 2000 to 2017.

Father David was a “late vocation” and worked (as a teacher (I think) before training at the Beda College in Rome. On ordination in1978 he was appointed curate at St Joan of Arc, Farnham (the “cradle” of our A&B pilgrimages). Fr David joined us on the Pilgrims Way Pilgrimage in 1976, and then on the 2nd Canterbury Pilgrimage in 1979. I can visualise him walking through the forest near Benenden in Kent but the earliest photo I can find is in the procession to Arundel Cathedral at the end of that pilgrimage.

Fr David also took part in the 1980 St Joan of Arc Pilgrimage, a spin off from our pilgrimage, to celebrate the Farnham church’s golden jubilee.

Fr David had various posting around the Diocese, including St Leonards on Sea, but eventually settled in a flat in Portslade from where he supplied other parishes, often taking up residence for a number of weeks while the parish priest was away. Despite several attempts, David never passed his driving test (on the final attempt his car was driven into on the way to the test centre) so getting to these parishes made him an expert in train and bus travel.

In 2000 Fr David re-joined the pilgrimage as Chaplain, and served in that role until 2017. He strove to balance the needs of an Ecumenical pilgrimage and the rules of the Church, pushing the boundaries and getting his knuckles rapped more than once. He felt able to take risks to best serve his “mobile parish”. It didn’t always work, but David was genuine in his efforts to minister to the pilgrims,

During his time as chaplain Fr David was less and less able to walk with the pilgrims, and joined the support team, hitching a ride with the van, caterers or drinks car. He was the instigator of the group that played Scrabble in the evenings whilst others went to the pub (Fr David had given up alcohol at this stage).

Following a nasty fire in his flat in Portslade, Fr David moved to a convent in Littlehampton. Having lost his address book in the fire he rather lost touch with people, but was always interested to hear about the pilgrimage and the pilgrims.

Funeral details are yet to be announced.

May he rest in peace.


Debbie Ellis (née Davies) RIP

We are saddened to report the death of Debbie Ellis (née Davies) on 25 February 2023.

Debbie became instantly famous on her first pilgrimage in 1980 when she lost a contact lens on the lawn at Midhurst Convent and had the whole pilgrimage searching for it (in vain).

Debbie participated in several pilgrimages in the early 1980s and continued to drop in for several years, as well as being part of several pilgrim-centric groups (e.g. the boat trips).

Debbie’s funeral will be on 29th March at 4.15pm at Leatherhead Crematorium (Randall’s Park). Debbie requested bright colours only, as she wishes it to be a happy celebration of her life .

A get together to celebrate her life will be held at The Blue Ball pub
Walton on the Hill directly after.

May she rest in peace.