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Peter Storrow, RIP

Another pilgrim has reached his destination: Peter Storrow, who walked with us every year from 1990 to 2004. His brother-in-law, Phil Neal, writes:

Peter passed away at the Sussex County Hospital last
Saturday (16th April)  at 3pm. He had been in care for just over 6 months.
The cause of death was heart failure, leading to multiple organ breakdown. Basically, the heart itself had ceased to function properly, for which there is no treatment, apart from a heart transplant. At 77 years of age that was not going to happen, especially under under the NHS. Considering he had his first heart attack at the age of 49, he hasn’t done too badly, I would say.
The funeral will be on Wednesday 4th May at 12 o`clock at St. Joseph`s, Brighton, followed by burial just up the road at the Brighton & Preston (Downs) cemetery. There will be a “do” after, likely to be at the Garden Centre on the Race Hill.
It would be great to see some pilgrims there

Peter’s funeral will be at St Joseph’s, Elm Grove, Brighton at 12 noon on Wednesday 4th May. Patrick tells me it’s about 20 minutes walk from Brighton Station.

I’ve dug out a few pictures from the archives.


120 Bradford Image19 lunch peteranna


Peter Doran, RIP

It is my sad task to share the news that Peter Doran passed away this evening; he has been fighting prostate cancer for some time.

Peter’s time with the pilgrims was relatively short: I remember him meeting us (with Sarah) on the top of the Malvern Hills in 2004 after which he was a regular for several years, before illness hit, but he made a big impact. He was an inspirational leader and as a relatively novice pilgrim was selected as coordinator, leading in 2007 and 2008, the first passing close to his home on the Isle of Wight, the latter his once-and-future home in Gloucestershire. In 2007 Peter kept the pilgrimage show on the road when his good friend Mgr Pat Olivier suffered a heart attack and died whilst walking with us.

I personally remember Peter as a very supportive deputy when I became coordinator in 2009 (although I did have to tell him for being disruptive during notices – there is a certain pleasure in telling a retired headteacher to “SHUT UP DORAN”). Even after he actively walked with us, Peter was an ambassador for the pilgrimage.

Peter leaves behind a pilgrim family: his wife Joan walked with us in the 1970s; Mandy in the 1980s; Sarah in the 90s and since; Ben has put in an appearance from time to time too; and the many grandchildren he loved have also joined us along the way.

Peter will be sadly missed, but I can see him even now, at the pearly gates, saying to St Peter “you see these pilgrims, wearing crosses like this, I know they’re a bit grubby, but let them in”.

Rest in peace, Peter.

Peter Doran waterfight with his successor as coordinator
Peter Doran waterfight with his successor as coordinator

Antony Morwood-Leyland, RIP

We have recently learnt of the death of Antony Morwood-Leyland. Tony was pilgrimage coordinator in 1984 and 1985, the first coordinator after Bill Haynes retired (the first time), before we realised how onerous a job it was. This experience led to the current committee approach to organising the pilgrimage and sharing the load, much of which Tony tried to bear alone.

More recently, Tony walked with the Portsmouth Diocesan Pilgrimage (a spin-off from ours) and was Membership Secretary for the Confraternity of St James.

Read the notice from the Basingstoke Gazette

Our prayers are with Tony’s widow Alice (who journeyed with us in the early 1980s), sons Robert (who came as a baby in 1984) and Ed.

All the latest news!

As last year, we decided to delay the autumn newsletter and combine it with that normally issued in February, so there is a bumper edition now available H E R E which includes various reviews of last year’s activities and lots of information about the planning of our 2016 pilgrimage from Winchester to Canterbury, which is well advanced. The 2016 poster is available H E R E and an application form will soon be available.

Walking a Prayer of Peace

As a Pilgrimage Committee we have been increasingly horrified by the continuing violence in the Middle East and the desperation of so many people fleeing their homes as a result of the ongoing conflict.

It has seemed difficult to organise next year’s pilgrimage without acknowledging the thousands of people that are on the move daily (in the way that we are on pilgrimage) but do so because they are in danger and have to, rather than seeking an experience of pilgrimage, as we are.

In response, this year we have decided to offer our 2016 pilgrimage as a prayer of solidarity and support for those people suffering the effects of conflict or fleeing persecution, praying that the world may become a fairer, safer, and more peaceful place.


A&B Prayer for Refugees

LORD GOD, throughout history you have
heard the cries of your people.
Through our failures, millions of refugees
are calling for your help now. Our world is
broken, your people fractured and divided,
creating war, violence, fear, homelessness,
insecurity and desperation.
Lord, you call us to care for our neighbours,
help us to remember that we are one family
gathered in your Son. We pray that we may
hear your voice and discern your wisdom in
our hearts.
May we listen and hear their pleas and needs
within our hearts, so that we may answer
your call to help. Let us use the gifts you
have given us, in the way that you and they
We pray for your courage and strength, that
we may work beyond offences we may have
caused, and our own and others fears. Help us
to bring understanding, peace and reconciliation
within our communities.
We make this prayer in the knowledge of
your limitless Love and Mercy, in faith and
trust in you.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

The Dorking Pilgrimage Reunion Friday October 23rd to Sunday 25th October

This is a reunion for both July’s Festival 50 Jubilee Celebration Pilgrimage and August’s Arundel Pilgrimage (and indeed all the previous walking pilgrimages going back to 1975).  We hope to see as many of you there as possible.  If you are not able to stay over Friday and Saturday nights, then just come for the walk in the Surrey Hills and/or the evening meal on the Saturday.   Newcomers are welcome too.  See the application form for full details.

The Canterbury Pilgrimage 2016

At the AGM on Sunday 21st September it was agreed that for next year’s pilgrimage we will walk from Winchester to Canterbury.  We expect to leave Winchester on the Pilgrims Way and rejoin it for our approach to Canterbury having walked through some fabulous, panoramic countryside in between.  Further details of the route and theme will be published in the autumn newsletter and on this website as they become available.
Do save the dates:  13th – 28th August 2016
Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent web poll (which showed greatest support for the Winchester-Canterbury option) and particularly to those who offered their help with the pilgrimage organisation.
Francis O’Sullivan should also be congratulated for standing as Deputy Coordinator this year with a view to becoming Pilgrimage Coordinator in 2017.