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looking back at the st hilda’s pilgrimage 2019

Do have a look at the web diary where more photos have been added since the pilgrimage was completed. There are now contributions from around 15 pilgrims. (If you have any further photos, it is not too late to select those which add to the story, caption them, and send them in).

You might also want to view the complementary set of photos in Fr Tony’s Flickr album

News of our plans for our 2020 route will be published soon.

St Hilda’s Pilgrimage 2019 NEARLY ready for the off!

The start of St Hilda’s Pilgrimage is under 1 week away, and the team have been working hard to finalise arrangements so that we can share them with participants and the wider community.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Cajufad2019 (Come And Join Us For A Day – summary of the pilgrimage)

RouteCards2019 (The detailed version, some times might change a little)

Theme 2019 – details of the daily theme

St Hilda’s History

Extract from the Catholic Catechism

2019 Who are we – information for people we meet on the journey

New Medical Form 2019 Every participant MUST complete this form prior to starting the pilgrimage (forms are kept securely and destroyed after the pilgrimage).

Alternative Transport 2019 for those who need to take a break from walking

Route Cards Guildford to Arundel

Mini Pilgrimage – May 2019

To view the Route Cards for our Mini Pilgrimage 3rd – 6th May – Guildford Cathedral to Arundel Cathedral please click on the links below.

Anyone still wishing to join us overnight or to join us for a day please contact Chris on 07850 661833 or

Summary Sheet 

Day 1 – 3rd May Guildford Arrival

Day 2 – 4th May Guildford to Chiddingfold

Day 3 – 5th May Chiddingfold to Duncton

Day 4 – 6th May Duncton to Arundel

CAJUFAD – Come and join us for a day