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Pilgrimage Reunion 2021

Following the “pilgrimage of day walks” this year, we are celebrating with a one-day reunion in Caterham on Saturday 30th October 2021.

Please join us for the A&B Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage Reunion Walk. We will start at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Essendene Road, Caterham CR3 5PA where there is a car park. Please gather at 9.30 am for a 10 am prompt start. We will follow a circular walk around the outside of Caterham including the London Loop, the Downlands Circular Walk and the North Downs Way. We will stop for a pub lunch between 12 and 1 pm at The Harrow Inn, 235 Stanstead Road Chaldon CR3 6AJ. We will return to the Church of the Sacred Heart for a Reunion Service at 5 pm. We will go for a meal afterwards at The New Caterham Arms, 83A Coulsdon Road, Caterham CR3 5NF at 6 pm 

If you plan to come to the reunion, please e-mail organiser John Doyle on and let him know:

  • That you’re coming
  • What you’d like to order for lunch at the Harrow from this menu
  • Whether you intend to stay for the evening meal at The New Caterham Arms

The deadline for food orders at The Harrow is Tuesday 26th October.

Also please download this booking form, fill it in, and attach it to the email that you send to John.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING sunday 19 september 2021 at 2pm

All are welcome to attend The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage Annual General Meeting.

If you would like to attend please email me at: 

I will then send you the Zoom invitation and instructions for logging on together with a copy of the Agenda, the Minutes from the last AGM and the Treasurer’s Report.

Our main agenda items will be: 

Reviewing The Old Way Pilgrimage, St Thomas Pilgrimage August 2022, May Mini Pilgrimage 2022, October Reunion and Service for Deceased Pilgrims , Treasurer’s Report and Election of Officers

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday via Zoom.

God Bless.



‘Old Way’ Pilgrimage Walks: 14 – 28 August 2021

Welcome – we are so pleased that you have chosen to walk with us on this Pilgrimage even though we are unable to stay together in overnight accommodation.  We will arrange informal evening meals together where possible.

  • Before starting on your first walk with us please take a lateral flow test the night before the walk and then twice a week.  These can be obtained free from a pharmacy or search for ‘order a lateral flow testing kit’ and go to
  • DO NOT WALK with us if you test positive.  You will then need to report your test on and go for a PCR test at a testing centre.
  • Please follow local rules and wear masks and sanitise hands when visiting eg Churches, Pubs, etc and scan the QR Code if possible on your phone.
  • CAR SHARING – The Government advice on car sharing is:
    • Use a hand sanitiser before and after a journey.
    • Wear a face mask.
    • Share with the same small group only.
    • Keep the car well ventilated – windows open if possible.
    • Sit as far away from each other as possible.
    • Clean car surfaces after every journey – especially seat belts and internal/external handles.
  • REGISTRATION FORM – Please make sure that you have completed the online registration form at even if you are only walking for a day or two.
  • WHATSAPP – Join our WhatsApp Group if you are able for ease of communication between us.  The sign-up details are in my previous post.
  • GPX FILES – these will be posted up very shortly on the page for each day and can be downloaded onto a Smart Phone from the Pilgrim website.
  • ARROWS – Walk Leaders/Front Markers will use ORANGE ARROWS if over 10 Pilgrims walking.  Arrows will be used only when the walk direction changes. Back Markers will collect any arrows used and ensure nobody gets lost.
  • TOWER TOUR Day 1 – Southampton to Hamble – You will need £3.25 cash if you wish to take the Tower Tour at the Royal Victoria Chapel Museum.
  • HAMBLE FERRY Day 2 – Hamble to Wickham – You will need £2.50 cash.
  • SUPPORT CAR – We have a support car carrying water, drinks and first aid.  Please supply your own cup/bottle for filling.
  • PRAYER STOPS – Each day we will have three or four Prayer Stops and would like to invite Pilgrims to volunteer to take one of these.  These are very informal. Prayer and inspiration sheets will be made available to you.  Please see Steven if you are interested.
  • SNACKS – It is advised that you take snacks each day as some lunch stops are late and some routes do not have any/many shops or cafes.  Please refer to the Route Timings.
  • LUNCHES – Many of the Pubs would like to know numbers and would ask that you pre-order.  If you are coming to meet us at a Lunch stop please WhatsApp to let us know.
  • CELEBRATION LUNCH Day 15 – The Queens Head, Icklesham.  The Menu will be posted on WhatsApp the week before – let me know your choices.
  • DAILY DAIRY – We have an online Daily Diary where Pilgrims can post photographs and comments.  This is especially good for those who cannot be with us this year so that they can follow our progress.
  • UNABLE TO WALK ON THE DAY – Registered but unable to join us or delayed – Whatsapp us or we will contact you.  
  • ….And finally don’t forget those all important items ….sun lotion, hats, wet weather gear – but we do hope the sun will shine on us!

Looking forward to seeing you all.

God Bless



Thank you to those who have registered for the walks. For those not yet registered please do so as soon as you can using the online form so that we can confirm arrangements.

The fees are: £5 per day – £20 for one week – £30 for two weeks.

The bank transfer details for the walk fees are:

RCD A&B Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage

Account number 01079204 Sort Code 40-05-20.

The ‘Route Cards’ with full details of each of the walks together with a briefing sheet to help us stay Covid secure will be posted on this website within the next few of days.

A WhatsApp Group has been set up to help Pilgrims to connect with each other with regard to e.g. car parking, car sharing and a buddy system where are are parked at the start and finish and Pilgrims ferried back to get their car. Please try and stay within the same small group of people for car sharing. If you would like to join the Chat Group please use the link <removed> or email YES to WhatsApp with you mobile number to

God Bless



The ‘Old Way’ Pilgrimage – Bookings Open

Southampton to Rye 14th – 28th August 2021

Rather than our usual format with accommodation included, this year’s pilgrimage will constitute a series of day walks along the “Old Way” which runs from Southampton to Canterbury.

We plan to start from Southampton and walk as far as Rye. We hope to complete the remainder of the route to Canterbury on another occasion.

Each day will start and finish with prayers. There are 2/3 prayer stops each day and as usual we are looking for Pilgrims to volunteer to take Prayer Stops.

There will be a registration form to complete and a small fee of £5 per day, £20 for one week or £30 for the two weeks.

A medical form will need to be completed by everyone taking part, even if it is just for a day.

Each Pilgrim will have to arrange their own accommodation and travel. Some are staying with friends and family, some in B&Bs or camping and some are doing day trips. For those driving each day we hope to arrange that some cars will be parked at the end of the route and some at the beginning so that pilgrims can be ferried back to the beginning at the end of the day to collect cars or to be dropped off at stations. When car sharing masks must be worn and we kindly ask everyone to take a lateral flow test before the first day of walking and then every three days.  
There are plenty of stations, buses and taxis along the route and of course pub and café stops will be planned.

I do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us. For those who feel it is too far to travel please let Chris know if you are able to get together with others to organise your own walks.

Click here to complete online booking form