All posts by admin

3-Day Mini Pilgrimage 8th – 10th May 2020

Are you interested in walking?
Do you want to join a travelling Christian community?
Come and walk with us for the weekend! – Only £50!

New Pilgrims Welcome!

Arundel – Duncton – Chiddingfold – Guildford
Join us for a taster weekend to explore an aspect of our Christian faith. Every day we walk, share and worship together as an Ecumenical Christian community, recognising our shared Christian mission to know and serve the Lord. We stop at pubs for lunch and sleep on the floor in church, school or community halls. We try to walk on footpaths rather than roads, where possible and stop for prayers in the churches that we pass along the way. Over the years we have found enormous community value in sharing our lives together in this way.
Our pilgrimages are open to all, so long as you can walk about 15 miles per day at a moderate pace, sleep on a floor and be able to make your own way to Arundel & home from Guildford. Under 16s must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Luggage and bedding are transported by van to each overnight stay, so only a daypack is needed to be carried for supplies.
Breakfast, packed lunch and dinner are included in the price. All overnights must be booked and paid for in advance; day pilgrims are welcome without prior notice.

You can now download the Mini Pilgrimage Poster (please print and display!) and Mini Pilgrimage Booking Form

View the diary of our 2019 ‘taster’ pilgrimage through this link

Gillian McLauchlan, RIP

Update: Just heard from Terri that Gillian’s funeral will be at 11am on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at Our Lady of Fatima, Commonwealth Avenue, White City W12 7QR followed by cremation at Mortlake Crematorium and a reception in the parish centre at White City.

We have learnt today of the death, last Sunday, of Gillian McLauchlan. Gillian, together with her twin sister Monica and mum Helena,put in a brief appearance on the very first pilgrimage in 1975. Gillian and Monica walked many of the early pilgrimages, and co-opted sister Theresa to join the support team in the late 70s and early 80s.

Gillian and Monica at the start of the 1977 Walsingham Pilgimage, at Arundel.

Gillian was one of the fast walkers of those early years, and she and I often walked stride-for-stride.

Eventually work got in the way of being a regular pilgrim, but Gillian always kept in touch and often turned up to call on the pilgrims when it was convenient. Looking back through my photos, in 2011 she was there at the start in Westminster and joined again (with Monica, driven by John Russell) at Birmingham.

Gillian chats to Geoff at Westminster
Gillian with John and Clare at Birmingham Botanic Gardens, after visiting the Oratory..

Having lost her twin sister to breast cancer, Gillian was diagnosed a few years ago with bowel cancer. She was pretty upbeat – last July she texted me to say “Chemo not working so tablets stopped. Liver function worse. Got to get on and enjoy slow but active life for as long as possible”. And in late August she told me she was off to Lourdes. She’d always been a great supporter of Handicapped Childrens Pilgrimage Trust (HCPT) as in this picture from 1981.

Gillian at the Cowdray Arms, 1981
Passing Cowfold Church, 1981- HCPT hat
Leaving Burpham Church at the start of the 1982 Papal Pilgrimage
Gillian with Margaret Nicholls and Geraldine O’Leary later on the Papal Pilgrimage, 1982
Gillian on the cliffs between Hythe and Dover, 1990 St Richard 2 Pilgrimage
Alongside the Thames in Ocfordshire, 1989 St Richard 1 Pilgrimage

May she rest in peace.

Pilgrimage Reunion October 2018 – Updated with booking form and Live link

Planning of the 2018 reunion is well advanced! All pilgrims, past and present, are invited to attend.
The reunion dates are:
Friday October 26th to Sunday October 28th  2018
The venue is St. Dunstan’s RC Church, Shaftesbury Road, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7DH.
Our Hosts are:
Danny Thomas – 07778 052437
Mark Potter ‭- 07981 374117‬
Set aside the whole weekend or part in your diary: the reunion normally runs from Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime, with a walk on Saturday.
For more details and to book your place download, complete and return the Reunion Booking Form

The St Hilda’s Pilgrimage 2019

Saturday 10th – Sunday 25th August 2019

It was agreed at the recent AGM that our Pilgrimage for 2019 will start at Lincoln Cathedral with our final destination being St Hilda’s Abbey, Whitby in North Yorkshire. It is envisaged that the route will include Hull, Beverley Minster, and Bridlington Priory.

Committee Members are now working on the route and booking accommodation. A list of daily destinations will be available at the forthcoming Reunion Weekend on the 26th October and will be posted on the website. Further updates and a short history of St Hilda will be posted shortly.

Talking of the reunion, don’t forget to book! I will add the booking form to the reunion link as soon as possible

Pilgrimage over, it’s time for the AGM

I hope everyone got back safely from Buckfast and all have recovered from the walking. “Strenuous” was one description of this year’s route; strenuous yes, climbing on to the army ranges from the shore on Mark and Danny’s day, and negotiating the ups and downs and steps of Goat Island come to mind, but magnificent as well. The sound of the sea in the secluded bays, Durdle Door, and crossing the Exe estuary on the ferry. The strange sensation of walking among streets with traffic in Ashburton after so long being on paths where cars can not follow.

This Sunday 16th September our AGM takes place at St Joseph’s, Ladbroke Road, Redhill at 3.00 pm until 6.00 pm.We will be reviewing this year’s pilgrimage and discussing our plans for next year. All pilgrims are welcome to attend the AGM and contribute to the discussion.


Gill Henderson’s Funeral

For those who’ve missed the update I posted against the original post on the website…

Gill’s funeral will be held at St Peter’s Church, Portland Road, Hove at 12 noon on Thursday 13th September, followed by burial at the cemetery in Old Shoreham Road, Hove. Father Jerry will officiate.

After the burial, Gill’s daughter Caroline is arranging some refreshments at her house, so people are welcome to come back afterwards. I won’t post the address online for obvious reasons, but can provide it  on request.