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Further to Chris’ post, here is the planned itinerary:

Sat Aug 14 Southampton to Hamble
Sun Aug 15 Hamble to Wickham
Mon Aug 16 Wickham to Havant
Tue Aug 17 Havant to Chichester
Wed Aug 18 Rest Day
Thu Aug 19 Chichester to Arundel
Fri Aug 20 Arundel to Steyning
Sat Aug 21 Steyning to Pyecombe
Sun Aug 22 Pyecombe to Lewes
Mon Aug 23 Rest Day
Tue Aug 24 Lewes to Berwick
Wed Aug 25 Berwick to Polegate
Thu Aug 26 Polegate to Penhurst
Fri Aug 27 Penhurst to Westfield
Sat Aug 28 Westfield to Rye

the ‘Old way’ Pilgrimage 14-29 August 2021

Hi Everyone

I just thought I would let you know that John has been very busy going over the ‘Old Way’ route to plan our walking days for this August. We will be discussing the route this afternoon and working out the logistics and more of the detail.

We plan to start from Southampton and walk probably as far as Battle. The remainder of the route to Canterbury we plan to complete on another occasion.

Each day will start and finish with prayers and we are looking for walk leaders to recce and lead each day. Please contact John if you would like to do this.

There will be a registration form to complete and a small fee of £5 per day, £20 for one week or £30 for the two weeks.

As already mentioned each Pilgrim will have to arrange their own accommodation and travel. Some are staying with friends and family, some B&Bs or camping and some are doing day trips. For those driving each day we hope to arrange that some cars will be parked at the end of the route and some at the beginning so that pilgrims can be ferried back to the beginning at the end of the day to collect cars or to be dropped off at stations.  Masks are to be worn in cars and we will ask everyone to take a lateral flow test before the first day of walking and then probably every three days.   There are plenty of stations, buses and taxis along the route and of course pub and cafe stops will be planned.

I do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us. For those who feel it is too far to travel please let me know if you are able to get together with others to organise your own walks.

We will confirm the walk details and issue the route as soon as possible so that Pilgrims can plan their accommodation and travel.

God Bless




Your Committee met recently and again it is with great regret that owing to the ongoing Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the decision was made to postpone both the Mini and August Pilgrimages arranged for this year until 2022.

This decision was not taken lightly and was based on the risk that could be posed especially with regards to pilgrims living in such close proximity to one another in our overnight accommodation. Also area lockdowns, the emergence of variants and problems with vaccine rollout are all possible. If we had to quarantine during our pilgrimage then we may find it difficult or even impossible to get home during that period.

The Mini Pilgrimage Arundel to Guildford has been postponed until the 29th April – 2nd May 2022 and the Swansea to Hereford St Thomas Pilgrimage will now take place on the 13th-28th August 2022.

We were all really looking forward to getting back together again and with this in mind we have a sub-committee working on organising a series of day walks from the 14th – 29th August 2021. It is envisaged that these will take place within the Arundel and Brighton Diocese and will probably follow the ‘Old Way’ routes as detailed on the British Pilgrimage Trust website. Pilgrims will have to arrange their own travel, food and accommodation if needed.

For those who live further afield it is hoped that small groups may be able to get together to arrange walks at the same time and for all diary entries and photos to be shared so that we still feel connected no matter the distance. If you think that you might be able to get a small group together in your area please let me know.

Details of these pilgrimage walks will be posted on this website towards the end of April.

Please continue to stay safe and healthy.

God Bless.



roger keyes r.i.p.

We have recently learnt that Roger died in November after a long illness.

Roger walked with us between 2009 and 2014. He was a gentle, kind and enthusiatic pilgrim whose presence enhanced the pilgrimages that he took part in, particularly the spiritual side of the pilgrimage. He served as a church liaison officer. The other coordinators for these years and I were grateful for the general help and advice he gave.

Please visit his page on the Caring Bridge website.

Some pictures of Roger from the archives:

Free Video Rental : “To Be A Pilgrim: The Canterbury Way”

Pilgrims! If you access the link below before the end of New Year’s Eve, you can rent a video for free:

This film follows Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Nicholas Schofield as they journey from London to Canterbury. Along the way they discover the story of St Thomas a Becket and some fascinating traditions: the Rood of Boxley, the splendour of Rochester, the ‘second Carmel’ at Aylesford and many more.

By retracing the steps of the medieval pilgrims, this film draws out the rich Christian heritage of England and reflects on what it means ‘To Be A Pilgrim’.

Thanks to Lesley Brennan for bringing this to our attention.

Michael Fuller RIP

Mary Fuller has asked us to let pilgrims know that her husband Michael has died.  He died peacefully in his sleep on Thursday morning,  17th December after a long illness  (He had oesophagal cancer).  Mary asks for prayers from the pilgrims.

Mary herself is unwell and doubly in our prayers at this time.


Hi Everyone,

I do hope that you continue to keep well and safe.

At our recent AGM it was decided that although we have been unable to walk either of our planned pilgrimages this year, we would still like to hold our traditional service for deceased pilgrims.  The date is Saturday 24th October at 3.00 pm at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Dorking.

Fr Tony Milner, Parish Priest at St Joseph’s and our pilgrimage chaplain will preside.  Pilgrims can decide to attend the service in person or to join remotely via Zoom. The service will also be filmed. Unfortunately restrictions mean that we will not be able to gather for tea afterwards.

Please email me at to let me know if you wish to attend in person or via Zoom. Further details will be emailed to you next week.

We had hoped to organise a day walk but as Covid cases are increasing it was decided to wait until the situation improves.

I look forward to seeing you on the 24th October.

God Bless




 All are welcome to attend The Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage Annual General Meeting.

If you would like to attend please email me at: 

I will then send you the Zoom invitation and instructions for logging on together with a copy of the Agenda, the Minutes from the last AGM and the Treasurer’s Report.

Our main agenda items will be: 

Rebooking the St Thomas Pilgrimage, May Mini Pilgrimage, October Day Walk and Service for Deceased Pilgrims , Treasurer’s Report and Election of Officers

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday via Zoom.

God Bless.



august 2020 newsletter

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all managing to stay well and safe during these strange times and have managed to get out on some walks in the lovely sunny weather we have had for most of the Summer. 

It is extremely disappointing that we have not been able to meet up for our Saint Thomas Pilgrimage.  By now we would have been in Abergavenny for our rest day having walked through the beautiful Welsh countryside, towns and villages from Swansea to Margam, Elwenny, Llancarfan, Cardiff, Caerphilly, Newport and Usk.  Then on to Longtown, Ewyas Harold and Hereford.  We have not missed out completely as your Committee have provionally rebooked the entire St Thomas Pilgrimage for Saturday 14th – Sunday 29th August 2021.   The communities we would have been visiting this year were, like us, very disappointed but are looking forward to welcoming us next year. 

In the meantime, we have our AGM on Sunday 20th September 2020.  This will be an online Zoom meeting and I do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to log in and join us.  Further details of how to log in together with the Agenda and the 2019 Minutes will follow.

Your Committee would also like to organise a day walk to take place on a Saturday at the end of September or beginning of October in the Dorking area with a service for deceased pilgrims at St Joseph’s Catholic Church.  It is hoped that those who would not be able to attend could join the service via Zoom.  The walk will be organised for 30 pilgrims walking in small, socially distanced groups.  A date and further details will follow.

It would be lovely to hear from you so please do post your comments about how you’ve been fairing and perhaps add a memorable moment from a past pilgrimage.

God Bless.    



POSTPONED – ST THOMAS PILGRIMAGE – 15th-30th august 2020.

Once again it is with considerable regret that owing to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic the decision has been taken to postpone the St Thomas Pilgrimage planned for the 15th – 30th August 2020 walking from Swansea to Hereford.  

The St Thomas Pilgrimage will now take place from the 14th – 29th August 2021.

Your Committee will be rearranging everything already booked and planned for the St Thomas Pilgrimage as well as the May Mini Pilgrimage. We look forward to healthier times and to welcoming you on these Pilgrimages in 2021.

The October Reunion is also doubtful but we will keep you informed.

Please stay safe and well and keep up with that daily exercise.

God Bless.

Chris Nussbaum – Coordinator